Wednesday, October 3, 2012

College of the Atlantic (Beachcombing series No.66)

beach stone, driftwood, rope, birch bark, whelk shells, and periwinkle

The College of the Atlantic has one of the most spectacular campuses in the world. Fact! It was patched together from several grand old estates so it still has a couple of Victorian "summer cottages" and even some remnant gardens by Beatrix Farrand. And then there's the view - it's set on a bluff overlooking Frenchman Bay, with granite ledges, cliffs, a sturdy dock and a small pebble beach. One of these days I'll have to give you a photo tour. I end up there more often than I'd expect since my friend Eddie runs a tour boat from the college dock, and my husband keeps Eddie's sound system running smoothly. So either I'm waiting for a boat ride, as in this post, or waiting for my husband, as I was today.
For some reason, there is always a lot of sea coal on this little beach, and last time I wrote about it, I'd been killing time by drawing on stones.
 When I finished beachcombing this time (which didn't take long because at high tide the beach is just big enough to hold the school kayaks) I played with stones again.

Happy rocks!

In the still life: Fishing ropes, schist beach stone, Dog Whelks (Thais lapillus), sea coal, driftwood, Common Periwinkle (Littorina littorea), cone (possibly Hemlock), birch bark (Betula papyrifera)

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