Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sargent Head, April 12, 2011

Sargent Head, April 12, 2011
These black stones are so smooth your fingers glide right over them. I think they are basalt, which is a very fine-grained igneous rock. Apparently it forms much of the ocean floor, and is also common on the moon.


  1. beautiful again! i am playing with these emeralds too at the moment. but i am not able to make a foto that captures this greeeeen. and one of the black ones is always in my pocket.

  2. The green is hard to capture, isn't it? I used the luminance technique I described in the post about trying to tone down red.
    Do you shoot in RAW or jpeg?

  3. i think jpeg. but i am absolutely unprofessional with photos. it is good to know that it is in fact difficult. your green is brilliant.
