Thursday, December 15, 2011

Clam Dip

knit Santa by Michelle Souza
The Bizarre Bazaar turned out to be an awesome craft fair, and I did even more shopping than selling, because I was surrounded by so many beautiful things. So instead of showing off my booth I'm going to show you little snippets of the things I spent the weekend coveting.  I can't show you everything because so many of my photos were fuzzy, and all of my people photos were fuzzy too. (I was trying to work without a flash, with very mixed results.)

Antique button jewelry by Quench Metalworks

Fantastic little dioramas - I'll have to add the artist's name in later. Sorry! But you can always email Spruce & Gussy and ask.

Needle-felted elves by Patti Savoie, the other shop owner.
 And here are Patti and Michelle, the owners of Spruce & Gussy, who hosted the Bazaar. Thank you, ladies! It was a whole lot of fun.

 All the artists brought snacks and wine, so it was a real party. I made clam dip, which was very popular (in fact my daughter asked for a spoon) so I'm passing it on here. It is based on the clam dip in The Joy of Cooking, but I am a very improvisational and opinionated cook:

2 c. sour cream
2 tbsp soy sauce
2 tsp black pepper ( I left this out because I don't like pepper.)
2 garlic cloves, minced (I went a bit light on this because I didn't want customers to be smelling garlic on all of us. Probably only one clove, maybe a little more.)
1/2 tsp salt
grated zest of 1 lemon (I also skipped this because I was too lazy to grate a lemon.)
3 to 4 scallions thinly sliced
1 c. chopped, drained canned clams (FYI, this works out to two cans.)
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce (I was very generous with the Worc. sauce because I like it. Might have been closer to 2 tsp.)
You can also add 1 tbsp prepared horseradish, which I think I will do next time.

Mix well in a large bowl.
Dab a little flour behind your ears, and try to look worn out with your labors.

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